In April 1971, Koriyama Aikikai was established at Butokuden in Shimizudai, Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, and joined the Koriyama City Sports Association in 1972. We practice Aikido with a wide range of members regardless of age or gender.
Koriyama Aikikai accepts applications at any time. You can check the details of us on the "About Koriyama Aikikai" site. It is also possible to observe our training before joining, or to experience a trial training for free, so please apply from the "Inquiry".



【郡山合気会】第60回郡山市民体育祭・合気道演武大会 ダイジェスト
* Sorry, the calendar is indicated by Japanese only.
"総体" means Koriyama City General Gymnasium
"小原田公民館" means Koriyama City Koharada Community Center
”中央公民館" means Central Publich Hall
"日大" means NIHON University
*Note: For members of black belt holder, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays etc.. are designated as self-training days for self-improvement, and when combined with regular training days, more than 180 days per year are allotted for Aikido training.

Koriyama Aikikai
7-7, Tsutsumishita-machi, Koriyama, Fukushima, Japan ,963-8878
Chairman (Mr.) Kiichiro Kumada