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  • Q1 What kind of martial art is Aikido?
    Aikiido is a Japanese Martial Art created during the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba (1883~1969), an expert who reached the highest level of mastery in the classical Japanese Martial Arts. Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. Aikido has not competition. The goal of Aikido training is not perfection of a step or skill, but rather improving one's character according to the rules of nature.
  • Q2 I have no previous martial arts experience, is that OK?
    Most of the members started with no martial arts experience. As you continue practicing, you will naturally be able to perform Aikido movements.
  • Q3 I am busy with work and may not be able to make it in time for the start time. Is it OK ?
    There are various living environments such as work and school, so you can start training at a time when you can participate.
  • Q4 I want to observe (experience) practice.
    Please contact us from "Inquiry" or email. You can check the practice date in Schedule, so you can come directly to the dojo. Observation and experiences are free. Please wear jerseys with long tops and bottoms.
  • Q5 If I observe (experience) a training , do I have to become a member mandatory ?
    No. If you wish, you can experience it several times and join when you are convinced that you can continue.
  • Q6 Where can I buy a dogi?
    After joining, if you can consult with a member, we will support you in purchasing a uniform suitable for beginners. Recently, there are a lot of cases where online shopping is used to make purchases. * Hakama is worn by men from 1st dan and up, and women from 3rd kyu onwards.
  • Q7 What is the atmosphere like at Koriyama Aikikai?
    All martial arts begin and end with a bow, and everyone is serious during training. However, it is not just a formal training, but we are proceeding with training while freely consulting with each other to improve each other's issues and improve our skills. For beginners, a person with black belt rank member will carefully and carefully guide the basic movements such as etiquette and ukemi.
  • Q8 Do you have a grade system like Judo or Kendo?
    In the general class, students are screened and promoted from 5th kyu to 4th dan (after 5th dan, screening is based on recommendation). A black belt and hakama are worn from the 1st dan. By embodying the results of daily practice with a grading scale, you can confirm your step-up and increase your motivation. *Boys and girls class starts from 10th kyu grade depending on the level.
  • Q9 I'm worried about my age.
    Some members started Aikido after 60 years old. Aikido is based on natural and effortless movements and does not require special muscle strength, so anyone with the will to learn can do it.
  • Q10 How do you take measures to prevent COVID-19 infection ?
    You will be asked to check your temperature on a daily basis and manage your physical condition. If you have a fever of 37.5°C or higher, cold symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, laziness, abnormal taste or smell, etc., you will not be able to participate in the training. Also, when entering and exiting the dojo, be sure to disinfect your hands. At the same time, as a countermeasure against heat stroke during training, each of us is trying to replenish water frequently and take breaks. Please note that since March 13, 2023, the decision to wear a mask during training is left to individual discretion.

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